Tuesday, February 17, 2015


  • 2 lbs raw 93% lean ground turkey
  • 1 cup all natural mild salsa
  • 1 cup cooked quinoa, cooled
  • 2 large eggs, lightly beaten
  • 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp sea salt or Pink Himalayan Salt


  1. Preheat oven to 375 F
  2. Combine turkey, salsa, quinoa, eggs, garlic, salt, and pepper in a large bowl; mix well by hand or with a rubber spatula
  3. Shape mixture into shape of loaf and place on ungreased 13 X 9 baking pan OR pace spoonful in muffin pan
  4. Bake for 60-70 minutes in 13 X9 pan OR Bake 45-55min in Muffin Pan
  5. Let stand for 10 minutes before serving.
  6. Serve with veggies and sweet potato  
**Fellow 21 Day Fix/Extreme (1/2 yellow, 1 red, 1/2 purple for meatloaf muffin. This picture also has 1 yellow (sweet potato), 1 green (broccoli).

Tip: Cut cooked meatloaf into single serving (or use single muffin) and freeze in single resealable plastic bags for future meals! 

Monday, February 16, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme Meal Plan and Prep

The time is here and it's time for me to jump into the 21 Day Fix Extreme meal plan and create something that works for me and our lifestyle. Tyler and I are committed to getting at least 2 full rounds of the fix extreme in before we go to Cancun, Mexico this April for the Team Beachbody Success Club Trip!! 

I received my order last Friday and completely went over the entire plan through the weekend. We didn't want to set ourselves up for failure and start then because we had our last treat meal planned for Valentine's Day! Last night I sat down and calculated out my calorie range and Tyler's so I made sure we were each getting the right amount of containers in for each day. There are some great 21 Day Fix apps in the app store, I prefer the one by Fat Chicken Studios because you can calculate for use of 1/2 containers. If you're more of a pen and paper kind of person you can print of the tracking sheets by going to teambeachbody.com and then the Get Fit tab, the tracking sheets! 

I like to use a spreadsheet to make my meal plan because it's easy to follow and I print that sucker out and put it smack in the middle of my fridge so I know what my plan is. That way, I don't roam the fridge and wander from my plan. I like to make a grocery list and get all of my groceries on Sunday so that way I have everything I need to stick to my plan and I don't get caught in a pickle! If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! 

My 21 Day Fix Extreme Meal Plan Based on Category 1 (1200-1499 cal)

So since this is my first week of the fix extreme what is my game plan?  Well I am following the regular fix extreme plan because I want to get my nutrition in check, I want to get my body used to eating the correct portion sizes and I know that there are going to be a few days where my body just craves some of the things I was allowing myself to have before like chocolate, wine and an extra carb or two. I also know that anytime I start a new workout program the first week is awkward.  You are trying to learn the new moves, plus a new eating plan, your sore, and it takes a lot of mental energy to think through your food.  So I expect that it will be a little more exhausting than usual.  I also know that week 2 is always so much better. So my goal is to do my best the first week but not to beat myself up over it either.  

Last night we took our pictures and measurements because your most accurate measure of progress is NOT the scale but in fact its the measurements and the pictures.  Trust me you will see inches disappear before the pounds and the scale is just not the most accurate measure of progress.  So go by how you feel, your energy level, your clothes and how they fit and throw the scale out the window! 

Our Before Pics
Now I encourage you to create a meal plan and to write it down because its easy to forget what you are eating, to not have the food in the house and to make poor choices if you don't have a clear focus.  So if you are serious about this workout and the results then you want to be prepared.

I am not doing the Countdown to Competition plan initially.  I am going to at least do 2 weeks of the Fix Extreme Nutrition Plan and then switch over to countdown to competition.  I want to give my body time to adjust to fix eating first.  Also, if you feel this is to restrictive then just follow the extreme plan!  You will still get great results.  But if you feel yourself plateauing or not getting results at all then you might have to follow her countdown to competition plan.  I really find that this is very similar to the "How to lose the last 10 pounds" By Tosca Reno book I read and implemented 3 years ago.  It's tough and restricted but doable.

For the workouts:  You are going to need a set of light and heavy weights and a resistance band. Personally I was using 5 and 8 lbs but also up to 10 lbs for some of the lower body exercises because my legs are stronger.  The resistance band is used quite frequently so make sure you have one of those. They are inexpensive and you can get them from Dicks, Walmart or Target.  

Alright I think we are ready!!!!

What Week 1 Groceries Look Like
So bottom line the 21 day fix extreme is all about no cheats, no treats, workouts that push you to the max!  I know personally that when it gets down to the last 10 lbs and or you are trying to get abs or change your body you have to go extreme!  Its not something you have to maintain forever but you have to get the results then go into maintenance.  It can be done!  That's why Team Beachbody has coaches like me. My job is to provide you with support, accountability, guidance and tips to start and finish the program!!!  

Day 1 Fix Extreme (5:30 am Wake Up Call was Rough!)

If you would like to join my 21 Day Fix Extreme Group please contact me by completing the form below.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

What the What is Beachbody On Demand?!

My excited face for the awesomeness of BB On Demand
I am SOOOO excited that I earned a spot in the official Test Group for the new Beachbody On Demand that will be launched in March to the public!!! What does this mean?? We all know how convenient it is to be able to do things from our computers or smart phones/tablets and most of us NEVER leave the house without them...well now, Beachbody members will be able to stream LIVE workouts from any computer or smart phone/tablet...I mean that is freaking awesome!!!

How will it work?

Beachbody Club Members will have unlimited access to the On Demand once they login to their Team Beachbody profile.  As soon as it launches in March all you will have to do is click on Start Stream and choose from the library of workouts...you can even test out an individual workout from on of the newer programs to see if you like it before you buy it!! You can be anywhere, at any time and follow a workout from the program you select! 

Which Workouts will be part of On Demand:

  • P90x, P90x2, P90x3
  • Insanity
  • Turbo Fire
  • Brazil Butt Lift
  • Ten Minute Trainer
  • ChaLEAN Extreme
  • Asylum Vol 1
  • Tony One on One (Vol. 1)
  • Hip Hop Abs
I don't know about you, but I'm pretty excited about this!! We travel a lot now (thanks to Beachbody) and I'm always packing up my workouts to take with me, but sometimes hotels don't have dvd players...so now instead of missing out on my workouts, I can just grab my phone or laptop and BOOM, stream my workout!! This is a game changer and now there will be absolutely no excuses to not get it done!! Convenience at it's finest!! Can't wait to share with you what kind of results I get from using the On Demand!! Stay Tuned!! 

Monday, February 2, 2015

The 21 Day Fix Extreme is Here: Get it Now And Get My Support to Complete It! Are You In??

The moment we have all been waiting for {well at least I have been waiting for} is here!!!! The 21 Day Fix EXTREME is officially available for purchase through me as your coach!!!!!

It's time to TURN UP THE HEAT ON YOUR RESULTS! It's time to take your fitness level to the max and get those abs and the muscle definition you have been working towards.  You might be reading this thinking that you are not necessarily looking for a ripped up body but you want to get your fitness to the next level and in that case this is absolutely for you too!  I would definitely say that if you are down to the last 10-20 pounds of your weight loss journey and you already have a base level of fitness then this program would be a good fit for you!

It combines strength training with steady state cardio and power moves to bring your body 6 days of intense change for your body! 

Nutrition is honestly 80% of your results and with Extreme you are going to be eating ONLY clean foods. So in the Fix you were able to have your wine or a treat once in a while. With the Extreme that is gone!  You are 100% clean and you are dialed into nutrition with the portion controlled containers and a list of approved foods and recipes to go along with that!

21 day fix extreme is here
So who is this program for?

1.  People who want a dramatic short term weight loss solution for a big event like a vacation, wedding, photo shoot ect....

2.  21 Day Fix Graduates or individuals who have completed programs like P90X, P90X3, Insanity Max30, T25, Turbofire, Asylum, Chalean Extreme.

3.  People who do not have a lot of weight to lose that are dedicated, committed to following the nutrition plan and have a no BS attitude.  There are no excuses, if you want the results its time to dig a little deeper and get them!  The biggest key to this program is the nutrition plan!  Having that will power to say no to the treats!  The great part is that you are not on this journey alone.  My job is to have you in my closed online support and accountability group and coach you through the entire program from beginning to end.  My goal is to make sure that you do in fact get the very best results possible.  I will provide daily accountability, tips, recipes, and we will cheer each other on and help each other stay focused when life gets in the way! Accountability was definitely the secret sauce for me!!!

4.  This program is also for people who don't want to count calories or macros. Its based on a simple and easy to follow portion controlled container system that gives you a very specific list of foods and ways to prep and prepare your meals.

Sample of Fix snack with containers
What do you get when you purchase this program?

Well the best way to get this program is with what is called a "challenge pack"  that is the 21 day fix extreme complete program.  7 workouts, the portion controlled containers, the nutrition guide, program manual, countdown to competition plan and a bonus DVD called the "CHALLENGE" which you only get when you order through me as your coach!  This comes with free shipping and a discounted price when you purchase the package this way! Honestly this is the best bang for your buck.  This also gives you access into my challenge group for the customized support, meal planning, tips, recipes, accountability, how to handle cravings, temptations and social events!  I won't let you fail.  If you want to succeed we will do this together!  I love my job and seeing other people reach their goals is the best feeling in the world.

I am also launching the 21 day fix extreme test group starting on the 9th of February!  I am going to help you set realistic goals, teach you how to follow the meal plan, how to plan your week, your days, your meals and snacks so that you can get the best results possible. We will hold each other accountable with a daily check in and rating of your day!  Our goal is to help you reach the results that you want!!!!  Do you want to do this program but you are AFRAID you will fail or that it will be another program that sits on the shelf and collects dust?  Well then join the accountability group! It does not cost anything additional.  It's just a perk of purchasing the program through me as your coach!  

If you are ready to change, I will help you succeed!!!!!

Why am I doing the 21 day fix???  I am going on a Team Beachbody Trip in 2 months and I want to tone, tighten and feel wonderful in my bathing suit and summer clothes!  I love the feeling of being confident because I am eating healthy and exercising!  My goal is to just be in the best shape I can personally be for myself!  I'm doing this to bust out of my winter body and be ready for the warmer weather when it arrives!  IT takes more than 1 month to reach your ultimate goals with your health and fitness!  So I know that if I start now I will be at the goal when the weather warms up!

Get the 21 Day Fix EXTREME NOW!!!!! HERE

To get the Fix Extreme and have me as your accountability coach click here!

Complete the application for my group: