
Monday, February 16, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme Meal Plan and Prep

The time is here and it's time for me to jump into the 21 Day Fix Extreme meal plan and create something that works for me and our lifestyle. Tyler and I are committed to getting at least 2 full rounds of the fix extreme in before we go to Cancun, Mexico this April for the Team Beachbody Success Club Trip!! 

I received my order last Friday and completely went over the entire plan through the weekend. We didn't want to set ourselves up for failure and start then because we had our last treat meal planned for Valentine's Day! Last night I sat down and calculated out my calorie range and Tyler's so I made sure we were each getting the right amount of containers in for each day. There are some great 21 Day Fix apps in the app store, I prefer the one by Fat Chicken Studios because you can calculate for use of 1/2 containers. If you're more of a pen and paper kind of person you can print of the tracking sheets by going to and then the Get Fit tab, the tracking sheets! 

I like to use a spreadsheet to make my meal plan because it's easy to follow and I print that sucker out and put it smack in the middle of my fridge so I know what my plan is. That way, I don't roam the fridge and wander from my plan. I like to make a grocery list and get all of my groceries on Sunday so that way I have everything I need to stick to my plan and I don't get caught in a pickle! If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! 

My 21 Day Fix Extreme Meal Plan Based on Category 1 (1200-1499 cal)

So since this is my first week of the fix extreme what is my game plan?  Well I am following the regular fix extreme plan because I want to get my nutrition in check, I want to get my body used to eating the correct portion sizes and I know that there are going to be a few days where my body just craves some of the things I was allowing myself to have before like chocolate, wine and an extra carb or two. I also know that anytime I start a new workout program the first week is awkward.  You are trying to learn the new moves, plus a new eating plan, your sore, and it takes a lot of mental energy to think through your food.  So I expect that it will be a little more exhausting than usual.  I also know that week 2 is always so much better. So my goal is to do my best the first week but not to beat myself up over it either.  

Last night we took our pictures and measurements because your most accurate measure of progress is NOT the scale but in fact its the measurements and the pictures.  Trust me you will see inches disappear before the pounds and the scale is just not the most accurate measure of progress.  So go by how you feel, your energy level, your clothes and how they fit and throw the scale out the window! 

Our Before Pics
Now I encourage you to create a meal plan and to write it down because its easy to forget what you are eating, to not have the food in the house and to make poor choices if you don't have a clear focus.  So if you are serious about this workout and the results then you want to be prepared.

I am not doing the Countdown to Competition plan initially.  I am going to at least do 2 weeks of the Fix Extreme Nutrition Plan and then switch over to countdown to competition.  I want to give my body time to adjust to fix eating first.  Also, if you feel this is to restrictive then just follow the extreme plan!  You will still get great results.  But if you feel yourself plateauing or not getting results at all then you might have to follow her countdown to competition plan.  I really find that this is very similar to the "How to lose the last 10 pounds" By Tosca Reno book I read and implemented 3 years ago.  It's tough and restricted but doable.

For the workouts:  You are going to need a set of light and heavy weights and a resistance band. Personally I was using 5 and 8 lbs but also up to 10 lbs for some of the lower body exercises because my legs are stronger.  The resistance band is used quite frequently so make sure you have one of those. They are inexpensive and you can get them from Dicks, Walmart or Target.  

Alright I think we are ready!!!!

What Week 1 Groceries Look Like
So bottom line the 21 day fix extreme is all about no cheats, no treats, workouts that push you to the max!  I know personally that when it gets down to the last 10 lbs and or you are trying to get abs or change your body you have to go extreme!  Its not something you have to maintain forever but you have to get the results then go into maintenance.  It can be done!  That's why Team Beachbody has coaches like me. My job is to provide you with support, accountability, guidance and tips to start and finish the program!!!  

Day 1 Fix Extreme (5:30 am Wake Up Call was Rough!)

If you would like to join my 21 Day Fix Extreme Group please contact me by completing the form below.

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