
About Me

And so, she decided to start living the life she had imagined! 

The Basics:

My name is Kellie and my closest friends and family call me Kel! I'm a wife and a mommy of two kids, a daughter (R) and a son (W). 

I am a just a normal, down to earth girl, who found a passion for helping others live the best version of themselves possible. In my spare time I love to do decorative painting and ride my horse, Cash. Something about painting and being out at the barn just really put my mind at ease and I can totally escape my day to day hustle! 
The Day I worked out on stage with Tony Horton!
Tony Horton Event
(I got to workout on stage with him!)
My Transformation Story: 

Back in December of 2013, my husband and myself were on our way home from a trip to Vegas for my birthday. I told him I wanted to find something that I could do to get my identity back from just being "mom". Both of our kids are in school and I needed something to focus my time on. I was technically a Beachbody coach from months prior and I decided that it was my only avenue of having a way to make an income and not be away from my kids. 

I was not in MY best shape and I just felt blah. I ate fast food sometimes twice a day and not only was it making me feel bad, it was a habit that my kids were quickly learning. They thought we went through the drive thru to get groceries and not the grocery store! I wanted to set a better example for them!

My husband and myself decided to jump ALL IN and get ourselves in shape and do it together! We started with P90x3, Shakeology, and clean eating! I cold turkey quit bad habits like the fast food and soda! We tried to avoid processed food altogether!  

Here's My Transformation Video! Please leave a comment;)

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